This purpose of this IQ assessment is to determine whether a child has extra cognitive strengths or weaknesses. It is administered by our psychologists, to children between the ages 6 to 16 years old.

Depending on the number of primary and secondary subtests required, the assessment typically takes 65-80 minutes. As it is an intelligence test, it does not require any reading or writing skills.

The scope of the WISC-V includes 10 subtests:

  • Verbal Comprehension – Similarities (Primary/FSIQ)
  • Verbal Comprehension – Vocabulary (Primary/FSIQ)
  • Visual Spatial – Block Design (Primary/FSIQ)
  • Fluid Reasoning – Matrix Reasoning (Primary/FSIQ)
  • Fluid Reasoning – Figure Weights (Primary/FSIQ)
  • Working memory – Digit Span (Primary/FSIQ)
  • Processing Speed – Coding (Primary/FSIQ)
  • Visual Spatial – Visual Puzzles (Primary)
  • Working Memory – Picture Span (Primary)
  • Processing Speed – Symbol Search (Primary)

Verbal Comprehension

This measures the child’s ability to think about how they express themselves verbally and how they apply their acquired word knowledge.

Skills used to undertake this section of assessment: Word knowledge acquisition; Information retrieval; Ability to reason and solve verbal problems; Communication of knowledge.

Visual-Spatial Index

This measures the child’s ability to evaluate visual details and to understand visual spatial relationships to construct geometric designs from a model.

Skills used to undertake this section of assessment: Visual spatial reasoning; Integration and synthesis of part-whole relationships; Attentiveness to visual detail; Visual-motor integration.

Fluid Reasoning Index

This measures the child’s ability to detect the underlying conceptual relationship among visual objects and to use reasoning to identify and apply rules.

Skills used to undertake this section of assessment: Inductive and quantitative reasoning; Broad visual intelligence; Simultaneous processing; Abstract thinking.

Working memory index

This measures the child’s ability to register, maintain, and manipulate visual and auditory information in conscious awareness.

Skills used to undertake this section of assessment: Attention; Concentration; Mental control; Visual and auditory.

Processing speed index

This measures the child’s speed and accuracy of visual identification, decision making and implementation. It involves the child quickly and correctly scanning or discriminating between simple visual information.

Skills used to undertake this section of assessment: Short-term visual memory; Visual-motor Coordination; Visual discrimination; Visual scanning; Concentration; Cognitive flexibility; Rate of test-taking.

Contact us to learn more about the WISC-V.

Total fee for the assessment & report